
Investment Management

Risk management and mitigation across our operations

Risk assessments are undertaken for all stages of the investment cycle, with risk management and mitigation policies being included in operational processes throughout the business so that our investment strategies can be successfully delivered.

Risk management

Risk management policies

Management and mitigation of risk are priorities when performing deal assessments. Our investment strategies incorporate risk management policies with the objective of de-risking different parts of the investment cycle. We take a strategic approach during the assessment of potential investments and implement risk management policies, including identifying potential risks at every stage of the investment cycle and putting management strategies and contingencies in place.

The entire team is involved in implementing and reporting on risk management and mitigation strategies.

Market cycles

Landrise understands that the real estate market is cyclical, and we constantly plan around this understanding. By planning for changes in the marketplace, we’re able to adapt our business model to function efficiently in all types of market situations and therefore minimize and even negate marketplace risks. Our risk management policies incorporate ongoing reviews of the business and the prevailing market conditions, including changing deal flow volumes to meet demand and adjusting investment decisions accordingly. Our deep industry knowledge allows us to assess the likelihood of current or projected risks and what impacts they will have on operations.

Operational risk

We understand that our diversified business model is complex and requires a high degree of planning and management to prosper. Effective planning and management will mitigate the risks associated with operational risk. To manage risks associated with operations, we focus on limited sectors and locations where we have vast networks of contacts and relationships, extensive and deep market knowledge, and expert teams allowing for successful execution of transactions.

Risk management is a core requirement of our operational process, and all investment decisions and general activities are based on the review of risk assessment reports that incorporate management and mitigation strategies.