
Investment Management

Rigorous deal sourcing and approval processes

Our investment process involves a set of rigorous due diligence steps that are applied to the sourcing, execution, delivery, management, and exit of every real estate investment.


Research-driven process

Landrise’s business model is underpinned to a great extent by the value we place on research. Our research work is very rigorous, detailed, and based on our access to considerable market intelligence. We perform deep research on the assets we secure and the markets we operate in. We compile large amounts of data, including asset and market variables, which are then collated to establish valuable insights that allow us to manage and, in most cases, mitigate risk.

Asset selection, pricing, and timing

Asset selection is based on a very thorough and detailed assessment process that takes into account historic and forecast market data coupled with the general economic situation. Having been active in the market for many years, we leverage our expertise and networks to further enhance our asset selection process. Furthermore, our ability to source and secure an asset at the right time in the cycle and exit at an attractive rate is assisted by our assessment processes, expertise, and vast network.

Asset and property management

Our business model is fully integrated and covers the entire lifecycle of the investment. Our investment philosophy starts at asset sourcing and ends at exit. Assets are either developed and sold, developed and managed, or managed. The management component of the investment cycle is a key driver of investment performance, as a well-managed asset will maximize investment returns. We utilize our established asset management systems across the entire value creation process to maintain efficient operations. All of our investment decisions are based on our deep industry knowledge and experience of the entire real estate investment cycle.

  • Research driven framework
  • Proprietary deal origination
  • Diligent underwriting
  • Disciplined decision making
  • Strong asset management
  • Multiple exit possibilities

Our relationships are based on trust and the safeguarding of our partners' interests.

Our values are instilled in all our members and allow us to achieve our goals and objectives by helping us form relationships based on trust and integrity that benefit from exceptional outcomes and enhanced returns.