
Terms of Use

Please take the time to read these terms and conditions. By using our website and the services and information offered on it, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you purchase products through our website, there will be additional terms and conditions relating to the purchase. Please make sure you agree with these terms and conditions, which you will be directed to read prior to making your purchase.


Services means any products and services provided by Landrise Pty Ltd and/or any of its associated parties through this Website or through any other means. Website means the website: We, us, etc. means Landrise and any subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, officers, agents, or assigns.

Accuracy of content

We have taken proper care and precautions to ensure that the information we provide on this website is accurate. However, we cannot guarantee, nor do we accept any legal liability arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency, or completeness of anything contained on this website or on any linked site. The information contained on this website should not take the place of professional advice.


We have taken proper care and precautions to ensure that the information we provide on this website is accurate.  However, we cannot guarantee, nor do we accept any legal liability arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency, or completeness of anything contained on this website or on any linked site.  The information contained on this website should not take the place of professional advice.

Passwords and logins

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your passwords and login details and for all activities carried out under your password and login.

Indemnification for loss or damage

You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless from and against any and all liabilities or expenses arising from or in any way related to your use of this website or the services or information offered on this website, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs, and solicitor’s fees of every kind and nature incurred by you or any third parties through you.

Intellectual property and copyrights

We hold the copyright to the content of this website, including all uploaded files, layout design, data, graphics, articles, file content, codes, news, tutorials, videos, reviews, forum posts, and databases contained on the website or in connection with the Services.  You must not copy our copyright material other than as permitted by law.  Specifically, you must not use or replicate our copyright material for commercial purposes unless expressly agreed to by us, in which case we may require you to sign a license agreement.  If you wish to use content, images, or other of our intellectual property, you should submit your request to us at the following email address:


The trademarks and logos contained on this website are trademarks of Landrise. Use of these trademarks is strictly prohibited except with our express, written consent.

Links to external websites

This website may contain links that direct you outside of this website. These links are provided for your convenience and are not an express or implied indication that we endorse or approve of the linked website, its contents, or any associated website, product, or service. We accept no liability for loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your use of these sites. You may link to our articles or home page. However, you should not provide a link that suggests any association, approval, or endorsement on our part with respect to your website unless we have expressly agreed in writing. We may withdraw our consent to you linking to our site at any time by giving you notice.

Limitation of Liability

We take no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the content or statements contained on this website or in relation to our services.  Statements made are by way of general comment only, and you should satisfy yourself as to their accuracy. Further, all of our services are provided without warranty, with the exception of any warranties provided by law.  We are not liable for any damages whatsoever incurred as a result of or relating to the use of the website or our services.

Information Collection

The use of information you have provided us with or that we have collected and retained relating to your use of the website and/or our services is governed by our Privacy Policy.  By using this website and the services associated with it, you agree to the Privacy Policy.  To view our privacy policy and read more about why we collect personal information from you and how we use that information, click here.


All personal information you give us will be dealt with in a confidential manner in accordance with our privacy policy.  However, due to circumstances outside of under our control, we cannot guarantee that all aspects of your use of this website will be confidential due to the potential ability of third parties to intercept and access such information.  We retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these terms and conditions in your country of residence or any other appropriate country or jurisdiction. 

Copyright 2023 Landrise Pty Ltd.